How it Works


After payment, follow the link to your Download page and click on the Download Now button.


All designs are formatted to print on US Letter (8.5 x 11) size paper but also print perfectly on A4 paper. We recommend printing on 200gsm white cardstock.


You can print at home or take files to a print shop (ex: Staples, Office Depot, Kinkos Fedex or Copy Center.) Always double check that your ink cartridges are at least 50% as the color does fade as you reach the end of your ink cartridge. Even though all printers are different, the colors you see on the screen are very close to the finished product you will print at home.


If you require printing permission, you will receive a link to download this document with your order confirmation.

Moon Phases Activity | Printable Moon Phase Game | Outer Space Worksheet

Regular price $5.00

When teaching our little about outer space it is such a exciting subject and there is so much to learn. So to help them absorb all the information it is great to create work sheets that are changeable and they can help build. With this phases of the moon activity pack we cover all the phases of the moon, the names and a diagram chart so they can see which phase they are in and what is coming next. Simply cut out the moon shapes on page 2 and you can place some blue tac/prestik on the back so you can place the phase on the moon on while it is happening and remove once that cycle is done, so it is a activity to do every month and it really makes your children aware of their beautiful planet and how it works...enjoy! INSTANT DOWNLOAD!!  PRINT AT HOME OR LOCAL PRINT SHOP!!  


    • 1 sheet of The Phases of the Moon (Each Sheet 8.5'' x 11'')
    • 1 sheet to cut out of The Moon Phases (Each Sheet 8.5'' x 11'')
    • 1 sheet of explaining what The Moon Phases mean (Each Sheet 8.5'' x 11'')
    • 1 sheet of The Names of the Moons (Each Sheet 8.5'' x 11'')
    • Text is NOT editable

    Do you offer refunds?

    Yes we do! If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase for any reason, just let us know within 30 days and we will offer you a full refund. 

    Terms of use

    This file is for personal use only ie. it is not to be used for commercial purposes. You may not copy, share, sell or distribute the file in any form. This listing includes digital files only. No physical items will be shipped.

    How it Works


    After payment, follow the link to your Download page and click on the Download Now button.


    All designs are formatted to print on US Letter (8.5 x 11) size paper but also print perfectly on A4 paper. We recommend printing on 200gsm white cardstock.

    3. PRINT

    You can print at home or take files to a print shop (ex: Staples, Office Depot, Kinkos Fedex or Copy Center.) Always double check that your ink cartridges are at least 50% as the color does fade as you reach the end of your ink cartridge. Even though all printers are different, the colors you see on the screen are very close to the finished product you will print at home.


    If you require printing permission, you will receive a link to download this document with your order confirmation.

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